IP Manager


IP Manager (tentative name) is being developed as an enterprise-level web-based solution for ISPs and large enterprises to manage their IP space.

IP Manager is being developed there are few open source packages available (IPPlan is the only mature one I know about), and 2) the commercial packages that do exist are extremely expensive. The database structure is being developed to be intuitive and efficient. The customer facing portal is easily customizable to integrate with any website.

Some planned features include:

Future feature ideas:



Efficiency for utilization of both IPv4 and IPv6 is calculated as:
HD = log(allocated objects) / log(max # of allocatable objects)


Screenshot of Main Screen (prototype)

Screenshot of Subnet Detail (prototype)

Initially, the first release will be targeted to work with postgresql. Other database backends will be supported in future releases.

A rwhois server is also being developed in parrallel that will support SQL backends and follow RFC 2167. The beta will be released shortly following release 1.0 of this project.

For any comments or questions, feel free to email me at jasonrowley at users.sourceforge.net.


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